Im a typewritter.

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rawang, selangor, Malaysia
hey nur aqilah najwa bt samlan.15 y/o.student of SMK RAWANG.samlan is my father's name and im his daughter.what im write,im typing is all about my is wonderful if you enjoy it.

saya awak.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Sedih bila someone yang kita sayang act like we're nothing in his life.I know who I am for him.If he doesn't love me then,why must we still go on with our relationship?today is saturday.public holiday for a kids like me,yeah.Im still waiting for his call or text but nothing appear on my phone screen.No matter what,patiently I will waiting for him.Maybe he had something to do.Yesterday,he had told mama that he's tired cleaning his house because he's having kenduri arwah at his house.okey,I understand his situation.Im trying to understand his problem but he cannot take advantage on what im trying to do.I just wanna told you that I miss him so much.Nothing can give me strength now unless him.He's my strength.Now,Im weak.Im always think about him.actually,what he's doing brain was controlled by homework undone!I can't do my homework .

Hopefully he was in good health and happy beside his lovely family,now.Dear,text me please.I cannot do anything as long as you didn't text me.terpulanglah kau mahu cakap apa,aku tak kisah.Dear,im always pray for your mum and my mum.goodbye.

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